Lionel Trilling cooking quality cheese
Italo Calvino love cats humour
John Cage composing Beethoven silence
Richard Serra designing New York Venice

translations: Moze Jacobs

Richard Rijnvos
by Anthony Fiumara

An online version of the booklet entitled Richard Rijnvos, written for November Music 2008: a network of various subjects, ranging from Composing, Cooking, Cats to Cheese, including an introduction by Anthony Fiumara.

Sixteen chapters interconnect by means of a so-called magic square:
- the horizontal rows represent four of the five senses:

taste | sense | hearing | vision

- the vertical columns represent verbs associated with the evolution of an artwork:

thinking | making | being | experiencing

The intersections, numbered 1 to 16, link to subjects that are of particular significance to composer Richard Rijnvos.

To read the individual chapters: click on any of the senses, verbs, numbers, or subjects.

Magic square

cooking quality cheese Italo Calvino love cats humour John Cage 11 composing 10 Beethoven 5 silence 13 Richard Serra 02 designing 3 New York 16 Venice vision hearing sense taste expierincing being making thinking